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Newsletter: Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Asthma Management

Jun 26, 2019

[ Click to Read the Newsletter

We are proud to introduce the first volume of the MGC Diagnostics Newsletter! This new regular publication will be a helpful and informative resource regarding some hot topics in the cardiorespiratory field.

Included in this Special Edition Asthma Management Issue:

  • Lung Function Testing Toolbox  |  NN Le Dong, Medisoft Physiologist and Scientific Research
  • Challenges to Bronchial Challenge Testing  |  Ralph Cook, Global Group Product Manager
  • Beyond the Methacholine Test  |  NN Le Dong, Medisoft Physiologist and Scientific Research 
  • Exercise Challenge Testing  |  Darren Drumsta, Global Senior Product Manager - Gas Exchange
  • Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Asthma  |   NN Le Dong, Medisoft Physiologist and Scientific Research 
  • Advances of the FOT  |  Roby Perissin, Vice President, Worldwide FOT and Asthma Management Business Development

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